Call for Papers Submission

The MNE2021 Organizing Committee invites MNE2021 participants to submit papers to four (4) OPEN to all and THEMATICALLY FOCUSED special issues of Micro and Nano Engineering Journal (a new dynamic open access journal affiliated with iMNES) entitled:

Please refer to the specific special issue to see the thematic areas and select the issue appropriate for you. Each special issue call is an ‘open call’. This means that, while including selected papers presented at MNE2021, it is also open to other authors of the related scientific community.

Manuscript submission deadline: October 31st, 2021

Your paper and associated supplementary information should comprise a complete, novel and full description of your work. Manuscripts of the special issue will be submitted and reviewed via the online Elsevier Editorial Manager Operating System.

Accepted papers will be freely available on ScienceDirect as OPEN ACCESS papers WITHOUT any article processing charges. This is a SPECIAL agreement between MNE2021 conference and MNE journal.

Instructions for authors

  • The standard submitted manuscripts are regular articles of MNE journals (4-6 pages).
  • Review papers (7-10 pages) are encouraged from invited/plenary speakers and leading members of the community. If you are not an MNE invited speaker and you wish to submit a review, please contact Evangelos Gogolides (Editor-in-Chief, of MEE, MNE journals) or Matteo Cocuzza (MNE 2021 Program Co-Chair) with a proposal and outline.
  • News and opinions papers are also welcome from plenary/invited speakers. Again, please contact the Editor-in-Chief or the MNE 2021 Program Co-Chair with a proposal.
  • Highly novel work that deserves rapid dissemination can be submitted as an accelerated publication (up to 4 pages) and will be given high priority. In that case please declare that in your cover letter and explain the reasons.
  • For all publications, we encourage you to supply additional information, audios/videos, etc. as on-line supplementary material to appear on the web, but not in the printed version. Your supplementary material will be available directly from ScienceDirect or Scopus.
  • For general enquiries, please contact Matteo Cocuzza (MNE 2021 Program Co-Chair).
  • Please submit papers directly using the MNE journal Submission web page. Select the appropriate special issue and the correct file type (regular paper, review paper, etc.). The submission opens on September 1st, 2021 and closes after the submission deadline.

Please note that the special issue papers undergo the same high-standard review process as any other MNE paper. At least two reviews need to be in agreement per paper before decision, and the typical rejection rate is 50-60%. Therefore, please make sure that both the technical content of your paper and your presentation style and language are of high quality, and that the content is novel, unpublished, and not being considered for publication elsewhere. Do NOT submit work that is not complete yet, or has partially been published before, even if that work is presented in the conference. Please also note that on-line software is used to check plagiarism and duplicate publications. Please check the author guidelines.

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