MNE Fellow Award 2021

To promote micro- and nano-engineering in Europe, the MNE Steering Committee recognizes a researcher or engineer every year who has made outstanding contributions to fields addressed by the MNE conference.

The aim is to honor a researcher or engineer who has inspired the MNE community by his/her leadership or outstanding work, through successful development and commercialization of a technology, the pioneering of a method or development of a tool with significant impact on current research or manufacturing methods, or an outstanding invention.

The award ceremony will take place during a Plenary Session of the MNE Conference. In previous years the MNE Fellow Award was bestowed to:

  • Dr. Haroon Ahmed from University of Cambridge (founder of Microengineering conference, which became the Micro & Nanoengineering conference) at MNE 2003, Cambridge
  • Dr. Peter Vettiger from IBM Research – Zurich at MNE 2005, Vienna
  • Dr. Mike Hatzakis from NCSR Demokritos Athens at MNE 2006, Barcelona
  • Dr. Bruno Murari from ST Microelectronics at MNE 2010, Genoa
  • Dr. Luc Van den Hove from IMEC at MNE 2011, Berlin
  • Dr. Hans Löschner from IMS Nanofabrication AG in Austria at MNE 2012, Toulouse
  • Prof. Dr. Dieter Kern from the University of Tübingen at MNE 2014, Lausanne
  • Dr. Emile van der Drift from Technical University of Delft at MNE 2015, The Hague
  • Prof. Dr. Nico de Rooij, professor emeritus at the EPFL Lausanne and Vice-President at CSEM SA
  • Prof. Andreas Manz from Saarland University of Saarbrücken at MNE 2017, Braga
  • Dr. John Randall from Zyvex Labs, USA at MNE 2018, Copenhagen
  • Dr. Hella-Christin Scheer from University of Wuppertal at MNE2019, Rhodes.

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Anja Boisen is the awardee of the 2021 MNE Fellow Award!


Anja Boisen is head of section and professor at department of Health Technology, Technical University of Denmark. Also, she is heading a DNRF and Villum Centre of Excellence named ‘IDUN – Intelligent Drug Delivery and Sensing Using Microcontainers and Nanomechanics’. Her research group focuses on development and application of micro and nano mechanical sensors and microfabricated systems for oral drug delivery. Anja is cofounder of companies Cantion, Silmeco BluSense Diagnostics and LightNovo. She is among others member of the board of the Leo Foundation, the board of Villum Foundation, the Danish Academy of the Technical Sciences and the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences. In 2008 she was awarded the largest research prize in Denmark, the Villum Kann Rasmussen award and in 2012 she was awarded the EliteForsk Award from the Danish ministry of Research, Innovation and Higher Education. In 2013 she received the ‘Sapere Aude – top researcher award’ from the Danish Council for Independent Research. Recently, in 2020 she was awarded the Order of Dannebrog by her Majesty the Queen of Denmark.

Official sponsor of the MNE Fellow Award 2021:

MNE2021 Best Poster Award

The MNE conference gives high relevance to the poster session. Contributions selected for poster presentation do not have less scientific quality than contributions selected for oral presentation, but their contents are expected to be more suitable for communication in poster form. To highlight the importance of the poster session, awards are given to the best posters.

The posters will be evaluated per topic and four Best Poster Awards will be given out, one for each topic:

  • Advanced Nanopatterning, 
  • Nanofabrication for functionality, 
  • Nanodevices – MEMS and their applications, and 
  • Lab-on-a-chip /Nanofabrication for life science applications.

The evaluation will be based on the assessment of the abstract reviewers and by the poster examination from the jury during the conference.

Winner announcement: The Best Poster Award Winners will be announced during the conference dinner on September 22nd.

The 2021 Microelectronic Engineering Journal, Young Investigator Award and Lectureship

Honoring and Promoting a Young researcher active in the fields of Nanofabrication and Nanotechnology for Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry and Environmental Sciences.

Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE) is an open access, multidisciplinary journal which crosses boundaries from nano to micro to bio, and from science to technologies. The journal focuses on micro-/nano engineering, fabrication and integration of functional nanostructures and surfaces towards intelligent nanomanufacturing; devices and bio-microsystems for medicine, life sciences, chemistry, environmental sciences, and agrofood; and devices and microsystems for physical applications. It is proud to continue the long contribution (1983-2021) in the field of processing for Micro- and Nano-scale Device and System fabrication started by the Microelectronic Engineering (MEE) journal, in particular in the areas beyond electronics, i.e. fabrication of photonic, plasmonic, bioelectronic, electromechanical and fluidic devices and systems and their applications in the broad areas of electronics, energy, life sciences, and environment.

MNE is also proud to continue the series of Young Investigator Awards and Lectureships started in 2014. The Lectureship will be presented at the MNE2021 Conference in September 2021 in Torino, Italy ( The Lectureship award will include USD$1,000, plus travel costs (max. USD$1,000) to present the award lecture at the September 2021 MNE meeting, while MNE2021 conference will cover registration and contribute towards accommodation costs.

Deadline for applications: May 10, 2021

For more information click here:

The nano- micro-graph contest

The MNE2021 micrograph contest is now open for entries. Winners will become Nano-rich and Micro Famous.  

The rules include the following:

  • Entries should be submitted by September 13. We usually accept late entries at the Conference BUT you probably will get fewer votes for the MNEer’s Choice Award.
  • Contestants must be registered conference attendees.
  • Micrographs and entry forms must be submitted in electronic form. Please place your micrograph on the power point template and provide the appropriate information. 
  • Entries have to be of a single image taken with a microscope and should not be significantly altered.
  • Video entries must be 30 seconds or less.
  • There is no restriction with respect to the subject matter.
  • Electron and ion micrographs have to be black and white.
  • Contestants must submit a completed Entry Form.

Please click on the link:

for entry forms and more information about the contest. 

Under the patronage of
