The MNE 2021 platform for the upload of posters and video recording of oral presentations is now available.


Click HERE to access the upload platform and create your account. These credentials will be used to access the online live MNE2021 event.

Please, consider that for all the MNE2021 oral contributions, a pre-recorded presentation is required and must be uploaded on the above reported platform.

Similarly, all the MNE Conference poster contributions require the upload of the corresponding pdf file.


Please prepare your Poster (for the upload to the MNEonline platform) in PDF format.

o Poster presentation in presence:

You can hung your printed poster (A0 format, portrait orientation) on the dedicated board in the poster area and interact as usual with the MNE participants;
we will also offer an interactive networking tool (chat) in the corresponding section on the MNE online platform at for the MNE remote participants interaction. Further information and details will follow closer to the date of the event.

o Poster presentation online:

The presenting poster author should be available for questions during the corresponding poster session. To this aim, we will offer an interactive networking tool (chat) in the corresponding section on the MNE online platform at Further information and details will follow closer to the date of the event; A copy of your poster in A3 format will be printed by the MNE Organization, hung on the dedicated board in the poster area and equipped with a QR code so that participants can also directly access the corresponding electronic copy and chat on the MNE online platform to interact directly with the remotely connected authors.


  • for all the MNE Conference oral contributions, a pre-recorded presentation is required. This is valid for both the online and in presence participants;
  • in presence participants will have a live presentation and the pre-recorded video will be employed only in case of technical issues;
  • for online participants the pre-recorded presentation will be employed as default, but authors must guarantee their live participation to the corresponding event slot to answer questions and to animate the scientific debate; the pre-recorded presentations must last 12 minutes for contributing authors, 25 minutes for invited speakers and 40 minutes for plenary speaker. The preferred mode comprises slides and speaker (webcam view) displaying. Please download HERE the instructions to record your video;
  • please make sure to include and introductory slide including the authors’ list (with your name underlined), affiliations, and talk title.

Under the patronage of
